ANNOUNCEMENT: Babbobox named top 7 legal companies and startups in Singapore by F6S.

speech recognition

Digitally Transforming GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums)

Some problems are so complex today that they can only be solved using AI. This certainly applies to what many consider to be the last frontier in Search technology - Audio Visual Media.

By using a combination of AIs (like speech and face recognition), Videospace unlocks hundreds and thousands of hours of knowledge within your media libraries by making them accessible and discoverable.

With the World's First Translated Video Search, we can further unleash the full potential of your media library by making them searchable in other languages! Extending its assessibility and discoverability!

Besides running Videospace on a world-class video platform (the same platform used by the 2012 and 2016 Olympics), we are using a combination of following advanced technologies:

  • Speech Recognition (over 100 languages)

  • Translation (over 60 languages)

  • Face Recognition

  • Video OCR (up to 26 languages)

  • Natural Language Processing (over 20 languages)

  • Video Search Engine - index and search video in time-series

  • World’s First Translated Search Engine – searches over 6,000 different language pairs

To find out more,

Episode X - A New Search (and a Forceful 2018!)

CLICK to watch how VideoSpace aid the Rebels in their search for the New Death Star...

In search of the new Death Star plans, the Rebels secretly planted thousands of cameras within the Empire in hope of finding clues. However, with thousands of videos and impending deadline, how can the rebels possibly search for information within videos?! Fortunately...


VideoSpace Search Engine is helping the Rebels searches inside videos for speech, text, objects, motion, faces, emotions (note: not for stormtroopers since they wear helmets) automatically! Thus, finding vital clues for the New Death Star plans...

In the meantime, as we help the Rebels fight the Evil Empire, we wish you a...



All of us at Babbobox