
A.I. Storage for Every Enterprise

Aispace is the Next Generation of Enterprise Storage (with A.I.) as it includes Babbobox Search, the most powerful search engine in the world. Imagine the ability to index and search everything (not just documents, but also images, audio and video) in your enterprise's storage! Beyond Search, we can also apply A.I. (in the form of Text Analytics) to analyse the content of documents. 

In short, Aispace is a Enterprise Storage with intelligence! In comparison, Aispace is so much more from any other typical Cloud Storage.

For the list of key features, please click HERE.
For the list of Storage A.I., please click HERE.

From our past experiences implementing expensive enterprise systems, we noticed that for some strange reasons, many end-users do not using them because they were too cumbersome, too complicated and too difficult to use. Thus, even after spending large sums of money, these systems under-performed and under-utilized.

With these precious lessons in mind, our objective for Aispace is simple – to be an cost-effective Digital Asset Management System with all sophisticated features needed to be an enterprise system. More importantly,

Aispace’s Mission is to make Artificial Intelligence accessible to every enterprise.

With Aispace, companies can now harness the powers of an Intelligent Enterprise Storage coupled with powerful features of a Document Management System instantly. On top of that, it comes Babbobox Search - one of the most powerful and advanced Search Engine in the world!