object detection

Episode X - A New Search (and a Forceful 2018!)

CLICK to watch how VideoSpace aid the Rebels in their search for the New Death Star...

In search of the new Death Star plans, the Rebels secretly planted thousands of cameras within the Empire in hope of finding clues. However, with thousands of videos and impending deadline, how can the rebels possibly search for information within videos?! Fortunately...


VideoSpace Search Engine is helping the Rebels searches inside videos for speech, text, objects, motion, faces, emotions (note: not for stormtroopers since they wear helmets) automatically! Thus, finding vital clues for the New Death Star plans...

In the meantime, as we help the Rebels fight the Evil Empire, we wish you a...



All of us at Babbobox


What is a Video Search Engine? Part V – Detecting Objects

After discussing the ability to video search for Speech, Text, Motion, Face and Emotions, the next big element class is “Objects”.

video search engine object detection

Essentially, it is an analysis tool that extracts metadata from a video and defines important objects or entities inside a video. Object detection has come to a point where it can detect objects or entities (like cat, flower, computer, etc.) and pinpoint the exact location there is the scene(s) appear inside the video.

The purpose of Object Detection is to help us better understand the overall content of our videos based on objects detected within the video. It also gives uas a time-based understanding on when each object appears within the video. Object Detection basically uses tagging and domain-specific models to identify content and label it with confidence.

Like other vision type of video searches, Computer Vision scientists developed Object Recognition based on the deep learning technology developed using deep neural network models to detect and label thousands of objects and scenes in videos.

video search engine object detection

With Object Detection, it is now possible to search every moment of every video file in your video library and catalog to find every objects as well as its importance.

To find out more about how you can detect objects inside your videos, visit VideoSpace Video Search Engine or our Video-Search-as-a-Service.

Announcement – Adding “Object Detection” to VideoSpace Search Engine

We are delighted to announce that we are adding “Object Detection” capability to our Video Search Engine.

This is a significant milestone as it enhances our already extensive video search capabilities. Thus, establishing VideoSpace Search Engine’s as one of the most powerful Video Search Engine in the world.

With Object Detection, this is the list of elements that we can index and search inside videos:

  • Objects (NEW!)
  • Speech
  • Text
  • Motion
  • Face
  • Emotion
  • Offensive Content
  • Custom (e.g. Logos, Objects, Landmarks, etc.)
videospace video search engine object detection

The new “Object Detection” feature enables us to detect entities (like cat, flower, computer, etc.) and pinpoint the exact location there is the scene(s) appear inside videos.

For example, in this short four minute VIDEO, we are able to:

  • detect 111 unique entities
  • mark exactly where these 111 entities appear

To find out more about Object Detection in videos, please click HERE.