It's been a long journey, but Videospace has finally landed into United Kingdom.
All the rage now about ChatGPT and Google, but Videospace does one thing that both these platforms does NOT do - videos.
Our mission is simple - To unleash the true power of video.
Innovating with Viacom18
Thank you Viacom18 for the exclusive invitation to be part Viacom18 Innovation Week 2021.
We look forward to further partnership and collaboration to create a seismic shift in the media industry with Video Big Data!
Using AI to promote Singapore start-ups with Videospace
Besides naming Babbobox as one of the top start-ups for FUTURE of ENTERPRISE AI, Enterprise Singapore has adopted our Video AI platform - Videospace, to promote Singapore start-ups.
Jointly organised by Enterprise Singapore and the Monetary Authority of Singapore, Deal Fridays is a platform for dealmaking opportunities as a lead up to the Singapore FinTech Festival (SFF) x Singapore Week of Innovation and Technology (SWITCH) 2020.
Using various video AI from Videospace, the team from Deal Friday is able to reduce manual processes by 8 to 10 times, while providing benefits where only AI can provide, like deep video search.
“We are delighted to be named as one of Singapore’s top start-ups” Alex Chan, CEO of Babbobox “The bigger validation is that Enterprise Singapore recognises our value proposition and adopted Videospace . We are proud to become part of the Deal Fridays programme and eco-system in promoting Singapore’s top start-ups.”
Announcement: Babbobox named as one of the top start-ups for Enterprise AI
We are delighted to be named as one of the top start-ups for Future of Enterprise AI by Enterprise Singapore.
Considering that we are still a relatively small team, we are delighted to be acknowledged for the work that we’ve done.
We would really like to thank the team at Enterprise Singapore for this recognition and their effort in promoting Babbobox internationally under the Deal Fridays programme where we are featured here (…)
Keep Calm and Carry on Part 3 - 360 Videos (Beta)
This COVID-19 period is proving to be one of our most innovative periods ever. Our foray into 360 Videos is our third beta in 3 months after:
Translated Machine Speech (announced on 13 April)
Live Transcription (announced on 12 May)
360 videos is the way to go if you want to do a virtual tour or an interactive immersive experience.
We are delighted to announce that Videospace will be supporting 360 videos on our enterprise grade video platform. 360 videos, also known as immersive or spherical videos, are video recordings where a view in every direction is recorded at the same time. Research shows there are clear benefits of 360 degree video content:
the unlimited possibility it gives to viewers and content creators
encourages engagement
over 3 times the conversion rate of traditional video content
over 30% higher repeated view rate.
70% who have used 360 videos say it has increased engagement
Need 360 content production? Fret not!
We are partnering iMMERSiVELY for cutting edge 360 video content production. iMMERSiVELY is a creative startup specialising in immersive media technologies – producing applications and solutions for businesses across various industries. From Augmented and Virtual reality content and technology development, to 360° content production and more, iMMERSiVELY harnesses these technologies to advance communication, innovation, story narratives and in education.
“We are excited about this partnership because this partnership opens up new opportunities and frontiers for both Babbobox and iMMERSiVELY.” says Babbobox CEO, Alex Chan. “Both companies believe that this partnership will only strengthen and solidify our pioneers status in the virtual and media industry”.
KEEP CALM and CARRY ON Part II - Video Live Transcription (Beta)
About a month ago, we launched our first beta (Translated Machine Speech) during this COVID-19 period. Barely a month passed, we are at it again! This time, our beta is Video Live Transcription. This is done while delivering video via live-streaming in high definition.
That’s our CEO, Alex doing a test live-stream from home.
Hang on… you might think. Isn’t this been done before? The answer would be yes. We have probably experienced some form of live transcribing before on TV or on video conferencing platforms. BUT doing this for a live video event on a live-stream is a totally different matter.
Those who can deliver this is limited a handful of broadcasters with specialized equipment. Also, if budget is not a problem, one can even get a team of human transcribers to provide live captions. However, this also means it’s expensive and not exactly scalable. That’s the reason why we don’t see live transcribing much at all on broadcast or live-streaming.
Just ask anyone in broadcast, they would appreciate the difficulties in delivering a service like this. Getting the live transcription is one thing, but getting the live caption or subtitles in sync with the video and audio feed is a totally thing.
Providing live captions has the following benefits:
Improves Accessibility - especially for hearing-impaired. Making your event more inclusive.
Increases Engagement - provide better comprehension of what is said
Improves Comprehension - longer view times and more interaction with your brand
So this is what this beta is about. It is to provide these benefits with a simple and highly affordable video live transcription service along with your live-stream.
If you this might be useful to you, please write to me! Or forward this to someone whom you think might be useful. Please note that my COVID-19 message applies.
Yours sincerely,
Alex Chan
CEO, Babbobox
KEEP CALM and CARRY ON - Translated Machine Speech (Beta)
What a time to launch a beta! Right in the middle of a lock-down from a global pandemic. Even while we are all indoors grappling and making adjustments to the current situation, we need to live and work as normally as we can. Our team had a long chat about this and decided that we must press on, including innovation.
The objective of this beta is rather simple - To convert a video into multiple languages using machine speech.
Perhaps you have read my COVID-19 message a couple of weeks ago, here's the short version in Hindi (with machine speech). Or you can listen to the same message in 9 different languages HERE
The video is based on my original English version, but I have no idea how accurate it is since I don't understand Hindi. However, to improve accuracy, users can edit both the original and target language text before finalizing the audio.
There is a story to this beta. The idea came from a client about a year ago. They needed to overcome the language barrier so to spread their message to different countries and communities. While subtitling helps, but it's just not the same as speech. We were too engaged with other work then to do anything about it, but it has always been on the back of my mind. So fast forward one year, the beta is born.
Translated Machine Speech is available in 45 languages. Some languages are available in both male and female voices.
We think this can solve some real world problems. It is particularly useful for global engagements, speeches, announcements, lessons, training, sermons, news, etc. But we are limited by what we know. Thus, we would love to work with some real world scenarios and shape this into something useful.
If you can think of a scenario, please write to me! Or forward this to someone whom you think might be useful. Please note that my COVID-19 message applies.
Stay indoors! Stay safe! Stay healthy! But most importantly, stay positive!
Yours sincerely,
Alex Chan
CEO, Babbobox
Our response to COVID-19. A message from Babbobox CEO Alex Chan
Dear all,
These are extra-ordinary times. Schools closed, businesses shut, events cancelled, classes cut, etc. because of COVID-19. Businesses globally are being affected... and I fear is many wouldn't survive this crisis.
I'm just going to put it out here. If you, or anyone you know, need a Video AI platform like Videospace ( to keep your business going, write to us HERE.
We can't make it free, but we promise to make it as close to cost as possible. In particular, if you are an SMB, event organiser, in training/teaching, NGO, etc. MNCs need not apply because it’s the small businesses that are most at risk.
In times like this... I believe we need to help each other to ride this out. Business is an eco-system, no one wins by being the last one standing. I much rather we stand together till the end of this crisis.
I wish you good health, remain resilient, keep positive, and most important of all, stay safe. Let’s ride this one out!
Yours sincerely,
Alex Chan
Babbobox CEO
Announcement: Videospace and AIspace are now registered Trademarks
We are happy to announce that Videospace and Aispace are now officially registered trademark.
“A registered trademark provides protection for both ourselves and our customers, making it an important part of running a successful service” said Alex Chan, Babbobox CEO. “This shows our pride and commitment in making Videospace and AIspace robust and reliable services for our customers.”
We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for your support. We look forward to many more successful engagements in the future.
Videospace is the official Video AI platform for Singapore Fintech Festival 2019 (11 - 15 Nov 2019)
We are excited that Videospace is the official Video AI platform that will be powering Singapore Fintech Festival 2019 (11 - 15 Nov 2019), which is Asia-Pacific’s leading Fintech Industry event with an expected audience of 45,000.
The annual event itself is transforming digitally by providing a AI-infused video platform (SFFxSwitch GO) where subscribers can discover fresh concepts and ideas by viewing presentations with searchable and translatable subtitles of speakers from the best of the industry.
“We are excited that Videospace is handpicked as the official Video On-Demand platform for SFF 2019.” says Alex Chan, Babbobox CEO. “We understand the importance of this event for Singapore and around the region. Thus, we are thrilled that the audience will experience SFF in a transformational way.”
We believe this will transform conference as an industry:
Who? Especially beneficial for those who can't attend.
How? Physically or virtually attending.
When? During and beyond the event dates.
What? It is impossible to attend every talk during an event, this will allow one to.
Why? It is just a natural extension of an event like SFF.
Videospace is enabling the journey of journey of digital transformation of the conference and events industry.
Note: Videospace runs on Microsoft Azure.